A Dairy Free and Gluten Free New Year
I am not trying to brag, but I put together a pretty good menu for Rosh Hashanah this year. With a lot of help from Johanna, We are hosting 16 guests and serving a feast fit for a sweet and healthy new year.
In our home we have a lot of food rules - Kosher, Vegan, Vegetarian, food allergies, and picky eaters. Still, we manage without a lot of fuss, and little bit of old fashioned, grandma's special elbow grease and love, to serve the following gluten free and dairy free meal:
Apples and Honey
Vegetarian Matzah ball soup
Seitan Burgundy (home made wheat gluten, but you can buy it if you want)
Potato Kugel
Mac and Cheeze (for the kids)
Broccolini with garlic
Black lentils
Apple Cake
(For Shabbat, we still have cholent, and a mushroom lasagna. Both gluten/dairy free also)
No suffering or harm came to any of God's creatures for the blessings and good nourishment which this meal will bring us. We are so joyful to share the meal, the Holy Days, and the coming year with friends, family, and loved ones near and far. Let all God's creation sing to God a new song. This coming year, why not learn a bit more about vegan and vegetarian eating and how it can help give you health and peace of mind.
Obviously, not everything in this menu is gluten free, but the whole thing is dairy free and vegetarian and a lot of items are gluten free, and some are vegan. There is something for everyone when it comes to eating better.
Shanah Tovah Umetukah