Sunday, February 10, 2013

Judaicon Mitzvah Minder

We have travelled far and wide, scaled the heights of the tallest mountains, and explored the depths of the ocean floor. We have stood on the surface of the moon and looked far beyond to the farthest reaches of the known universe. We have seen, searched, invented, developed, written, manufactured, and built more than we ever could have imagined. We have hiked, camped, trekked, flown, soared and sailed. Yet we still do not know the local landscape of our own soul, or the boundaries of our inner life. Of the writing of books there is no end, but knowledge of God and of ourselves continues to elude us. Faster and faster we move through history, but never take the time to slow down and be, for just a short moment, mindful and focused on what lies within, and what The One asks us to fulfill as our destiny. It is this “fringe,” this edge of our domain that tzitzit ask us to remember. For thousands of years, Jews have answered this call and worn fringes during prayers. The Mitzvah Minder is a new way to take that experience with you, wherever you journey. Clip it to your belt loop, backpack, or pocketbook, and get “Inward Bound.”