Thursday, November 29, 2012

8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1+8* = ?

8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1+8* = ?

The answer is 44. It takes 44 candles to fully share in the ritual of the Chanukah menorah. 44 times we light a distinct flame to make known the miracle of Jewish survival against all odds. I always try to get really nice candles – bees wax or hand dipped – to make the mitzvah more beautiful and to spread the joy more deeply. Sure the standard box has some tradition, but I really like the way special candles make me feel.

But this year, I am going to do something different, something to connect me with Israel and their celebration of Chanukah.

In the dark days of Hellenistic rule over the land of Israel, when the centers of Jewish life had been desecrated and turned into licentious and idolatrous symbols of Greek domination, a small group of young people stood up against the tide and brought about a victory and a resurgent pride in Jewishness. I often think of how different the outcome would have been without the heartfelt devotion of those brave few. If the bright and illuminating spirit of life and freedom had not burned in their young minds, and led them to face hardship and enemies with courage. If they had given in to the forgetfulness that the Greeks hoped would lead to the end of Judaism, and an assimilation of the Jews into “pop” culture. I think of the dedicated Zionists and Israeli soldiers and citizens who have struggled for more than half a century against hostile enemies set on our destruction, and how different it would have been had they not had the spirit of Chanukah in them as they stood like Macabees in modern times.

We still struggle to maintain our distinct and beautiful tradition against the tide of culture, and we still struggle in the land of Israel for our very survival. There are still destructive and immoral forces in our own nation, and resilient enemies on our borders in Eretz Yisrael. Perhaps our struggles are not so dissimilar? Perhaps the distance between us and our brothers and sisters in Israel is not so insurmountable? We are both struggling. And in the dark of this winter, we will each light 44 candles on the same nights to build a stairway of inspiration, resistance, dedication, self-improvement, and community renewal.

This year whatever candles you might be using, consider using special blue and white candles for at least one night, to acknowledge the continuing struggle for survival, and the need to remain victorious against the tide of forgetfulness.

* this last 8 is for the shammash candle used each night to light the others.

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