Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Political Discourse in America: A How-To Guide for Beginners

1)     Invoke American greatness (choose any/all that apply)
a.      Your humble beginnings
b.      Your parents’ humble beginnings
c.      Greatest country in the world
d.      If you play by the rules you can become anything you want to be
e.      Your children

2)     Express shock and concern about the decline of America as exemplified by: (choose any/all that apply)
a.      The way things used to be
b.      The American family
c.      Decline of parenting
d.      Decline of church or prayer in school
e.      Lost freedoms
f.        No more ethic of hard work

3)     State your deep conviction, and remind everyone that you will Never stop fighting for what is RIGHT. (Declare that you are NOT a Washington insider and that SOMETHING must be done).

4)     Advocate for legislation that is: (choose any/all that apply)
a.      Reasonable
b.      Common Sense
c.      Biblical
d.      Scientific
e.      Fact-based
f.        What the American people want
g.      For “The Children”

5)     Quote from one of the following to show that they would agree with your position: (choose any two – you don’t want to give the impression that these people might have held multiple views)
a.      The Founding Fathers
b.      Abraham Lincoln
c.      Your Grandfather/Grandmother
d.      Martin Luther King, Jr.
e.      Ronald Reagan
f.        Bill Clinton

6)     Express disgust at your opposition for being: (choose any/all that apply)
a.      Unwilling to negotiate
b.      Racist
c.      Homophobic
d.      Anti-women
e.      Anti-Christian
f.        Pro-Muslim/Muslim

7)     Demonize: (Choose any/all that apply)
a.      Hollywood
b.      Video games
c.      The Democrats
d.      The Republicans
e.      The White House
f.        The Congress
g.      The 1%
h.      The Washington elite
i.        The _____________ Union
j.         The Powerful _____________ Lobby

8)     Remind everyone that your position is _____________ (see #4)

9)     Close by invoking: (choose any that apply AND d)
a.      Future generations of Americans
b.      The Middle Class
c.      Working Americans
d.      The Children

10) Make sure you say: “God Bless America”

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